One Impossible Thing - Free Public Beta

AI for Accessibility: Assistants

What are these?

Step Two: Add the SLP-AI Bot

SLP-AI AAC Billing Expert

Step Three: Talk with it!

Seriously- ask it challenging questions, ask it to make documents, create templates; put it through its paces! I don’t want anything like this out there if it’s not accurate and useful.

If it starts acting strangely, or you just want a refresh, type /clear and it’ll wipe its memory.

2024-06-11 22.26.00.gif

Step Four: Add me (if you want) and message me if needed!


There’s a lot more - and I need your support! Come join the Patreon for access to the full set of bots, adapted curriculum, communities, tools, and more.

Plus it comes with GPT-4 and Google’s Gemini in the $5 plan. That’s $40 right there.

Get more from one impossible thing* on Patreon

There’s also a Substack for a the techie side with a bit less content, if you’re just looking for updates.

Other Telegram AIs to Explore